The Pastoral Council of St. Edward Catholic Church is the pastoral planning body of the parish. The council advises and assists the Pastor in areas of pastoral concern. Pastoral Council is to promote parish life and encourage the involvement of the laity of the parish faith community. Members of the Pastoral Council represent the entire parish, recognizing and reflecting the parish's diversity.
Michael Landry
Pastoral Council
A Finance Council, composed of members with the appropriate expertise and possessing a love for the Church and its mission, can provide the Pastor with valuable advice and assistance in executing his parish financial administration duties. A Finance Council can also help a parish maximize its financial resources and avert potential financial problems.
James L. Russell, Jr.
Finance Council
The primary role of the Building and Grounds Commission is to facilitate the work of the Pastoral Council as it pertains to the campus of the Church. The Commission may advise the Pastor in the administration of the parish's facility and grounds only. The Commission does not perform administrative duties which are reserved for the Pastor.
Gerald Dupree
Buildings & Grounds Commission
The primary role of the Education Commission is to facilitate the work of the Pastoral Council as it pertains to the educational needs of our youth. The Commission may advise the Pastor in the area of education of the parish's youth only. The Commission does not perform administrative duties which are reserved for the Pastor.
Sandra Antoine
Education Commission
The primary role of the Family Life Commission is to facilitate the work of the Pastoral Council as it pertains to the family life center. The Commission may advise the Pastor in the administration of the parish's family life center only. The Commission does not perform administrative duties which are reserved for the Pastor.
Delores Raymond
Family Life Commission
The primary role of the liturgical Commission is to facilitate the work of the Parish Council as it pertains to the praise, worship, and thanksgiving of our God in our sacred space. The Commission may advise the Pastor in the administration of the parish's liturgy only. The Commission does not perform administrative duties which are reserved for the Pastor.
Joseph “Stephen” Rochelle
Liturgical Commission
The Outreach Commission identifies societal needs that exist outside of our parish. We lead and assist our various subcommittees; we promote respect for life and quality of life activities and develop action plans that encourage our parishioners' participation under our Pastor's direction. The primary role of the Outreach Commission is to facilitate the work of the Pastoral Council as it pertains to community outreach and parish inreach. The Commission may advise the Pastor in the administration of the parish's outreach/inreach only. The Commission does not perform administrative duties which are reserved for the Pastor.
Deedy Johnson-Reid
Outreach Commission
Advising in the area of Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD). The Church considers mandatory attendance to be vital to children's development as Catholics. These classes educate children about Jesus and the Catholic faith and prepare children to receive the sacraments of Penance (confession), the Eucharist (Holy Communion), and Confirmation.
Judy Joseph
Religious Education
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) program is designed for adults who have never been baptized and are interested in becoming Catholic. Those who are baptized into another denomination and have an interest in becoming Catholic. Any Catholic who has not received the Sacrament of Holy Communion and/or Confirmation.
Deborah Conner
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
This is an important ministry of both prayer and service. Altar servers assist the priest at the altar and in other ways during Mass and other liturgical activities. Servers are called to be special visible models of a prayerful spirit. Please consider becoming an altar server.
Jim Williams
The attitude that Altar Society members bring to their work is all-important. With sincere devotion of mind and body, they should strive to make their service an acceptable offering to our Lord. The primary duties of the Altar Society include: Participating in the preparation of the Altar for mass, changing of linens and backdrops according to the liturgical seasons, cleaning of the church linens, decorating the church for special occasions, and serving as hostesses for parish events.
Peggy Jean-Batiste
Lay people who serve as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic are "extraordinary" because they are outside the ordinary ministers. Their primary task is to assist with bringing the Blessed Sacrament to those who are sick or homebound. Please consider becoming a Eucharistic Minister.
Debra and Paul Knatt
The Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. is the largest historically African-American Catholic lay organization in the United States. The Order is named for St. Peter Claver, the Spanish Priest who ministered to African slaves. The purpose is to render service to God and His Holy Church, render aid and assistance to the sick and disabled, and promote social and intellectual association among members.
Michael R Landry, Grand Knight - Council #63
Otto Vital, Grand Knight - Council #179
Joseph Stephen Rochelle, Junior Knight Commander - Council #63
In 1926, under the leadership of the KPC National Council, the Knights of Peter Claver, Ladies Auxiliary was established. The intent and purpose of the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary are to render services to God, the church, and the community.
Deborah Conner, Grand Lady - Council #63
Mary Valsin, Grand Lady - Council #179
Sherial Conner, Junior Daughters - Council #63
Charlotte Turner, Junior Daughters - Council #179
This ministry offers members of the parish the opportunity to minister to the parish by proclaiming the Word of God. A reader spreads the Good News and gives witness to the central role of God's Word in the life of the Church. We welcome you to join us in this ministry.
Brenda Willis
The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolic association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the Church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of All Graces, serve the Church and their neighbour
Nursey McNeal
This very important element in our Parish community's celebration has been blessed with many musically talented parishioners. You are cordially invited to join and participate in our music ministry. You will be offering your unique gift to our assembly in praise of our God.
Steven Rochelle
Joycelyn Young
Kenel Williams
The sacristan is the behind the scene coordinator for worship services, ensuring that linens are pressed and clean, that the altar vessel is kept safe, that consumables like altar wine and altar bread are in adequate supply, and that the priest is supported in his needs as the presider of the Eucharistic Celebration. The sacristan works with the altar society and the Pastor to attend to the environment of worship.
Peggy Jean-Batiste
Renee Rogers
Mary Mouton
Ushers are called upon to provide a very special service of hospitality as their liturgical ministry. They are the first people to greet and welcome those who come to participate in the Celebration of the Eucharist. In addition to this important duty, they are also responsible for taking up the collection, directing the Eucharistic procession during the Mass, and distributing the parish bulletins and other materials after Mass. Training is provided, and volunteers are always welcome.
Joe Simon
Louise Jefferson